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Quality is a top priority. Each of our partnered painters is an experienced professional who has been properly trained, whose identity we have verified, and who regularly receives great customer references.


Adam can secure quality painting services in the blink of an eye at a time that suits you. Simply let us know when you want to paint and we’ll arrange everything else. 


Our goal is to provide a quality painting service at the best local prices. Our pricing is completely transparent and you can get an estimate in seconds with our online calculator.  


Every request is handled by one of our managers, who will contact you and stay available until you take over your beautifully painted premises.

Why use Adam's painting services?

Adam has modernised the craft of painting. Our credo is that a painting service should meet three basic criteria: quality, an affordable price, and when it suits the customer. That's why Adam is here, matching the best painters in town with customers.

We make the entire painting process from enquiry to issuing payment request as simple as possible so you can spend your valuable time doing what you want to do. No protracted negotiations about dates or checking painter quality. Adam handles everything for you.

At Adam, we value the craft of painting, which is why we have several thousand satisfied customers with perfectly painted flats, houses and offices in Toronto and the surrounding area.


Quality and support

Every enquiry is handled by one of our managers, who will guide you through the entire order and stay available until the end of the job. Life can be somewhat unpredictable and so, in spite of our best efforts, complications can arise (the painter might get ill or fail to show up for the job, or you might be unsatisfied with the results). Whatever the case, please always let us know and we will do our best to find a solution to the satisfaction of both the customer and the painter. Our managers are available every business day from 9 am to 5 pm.

Best price

quality and support

Why are our prices lower than elsewhere? At Adam, we can make efficient use of our partnered painters’ time, meaning they do more painting and less paperwork that doesn’t make them money.

We have a lot of experience creating price estimates, meaning ours are accurate 95% of the time. If a painter arrives and finds that the condition of the walls is not as described (e.g. more repairs are needed), the price may need adjusting. Even so, the price is always stated by the painter in advance and indicated on the order form, which has to be signed by both the painter and the customer before work begins. If the price differs from the estimate and the customer does not agree with the new price, no work will be done and the customer will of course pay nothing. 

When the job is finished, a handover record is signed with both parties confirming that the job has been finished to their satisfaction. This forms the basis for billing the customer, and payment should be made within five days by bank transfer to our account.


Date flexibility and speedy service


How can we be so fast? Well, at Adam we have a large network of partnered painters. This means that there is not just one, but several dozen vetted professional painters in your city available on your chosen date.

Every enquiry is individually assessed and offered to the most suitable painter. The painter’s contact details are always sent to the customer a few days before the job is due to start.

Adam makes painting really easy, doing high quality work at a great price when it suits you.

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